Friday, January 7, 2022

Some Words to Enhance Yours | 211130


Which word best matches these example sentences?

1. The film reviewer was shockingly ____________ in his review of the popular new film. Peristyle – Teutonic – Libertine - Censorious

2. Hard-working is a quality commonly ____________d to top bosses.
Copious – Coiffure – Threnody - Ascribe

3. She was unable to contain her ____________ impulses and spent thousands of dollars in the store each week.
Polypod – Acquisitive – Camaraderie - Antediluvian

4. No one can quite comprehend the ____________ of time.
Abyss – Inordinate – Theorem - Morass

5.She ran like an _________ coward instead of facing her issues head-on.
Tyro – Prosaic – Abject - Extant

6. (a) The slideshow of memories her children put together had her ____________ and inconsolable.
Maudlin – Legerity – Cognoscente - Scythe

7. Let's ____________ the tally marks to determine who won the game.
Vignette – Concatenate – Enumerate - Tome

8. The judge ruled a 15-year sentence to fit her ____________ crimes.
Obelus – Baksheesh – Contemptible - Wanton

9. The bride's ____________ was grand in splendor and extravagance.
Akimbo- Abyss – Trousseau - Ricochet

10. The gentlemen decided to all sport ____________s for their friend's wedding.
Williwaw – Peristyle – Cravat - Pontificate

1. Censorious [sen-sawr-ee-uhs] - severely critical; fault-finding; carping.

2. Ascribe [uh-skrahyb] - to attribute or think of as belonging, as a quality or characteristic.

3. Acquisitive [uh-kwiz-i-tiv] - tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc.

4. Abyss [uh-bis] - anything profoundly unfathomable or eternal. 

5. Abject [ab-jekt] - completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing

6. Maudlin mawd-lin] - tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental   

7. Enumerate [ih-noo-muh-reyt] - o ascertain the number of; count.

8. Contemptible [kuhn-temp-tuh-buhl] - deserving of or held in contempt; despicable.

9. Trousseau [troo-soh] - an outfit, clothing, or linen for a bride.

10. Cravat [kruh-vat] - a short, wide strip of fabric worn by men around the neck and tucked inside an open-necked shirt
[Source: | November30, 2021 ++]


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