Sunday, October 13, 2024


 October 13, 2023, was the saddest day of my life. After a valiant fight with leukemia God decided to take you from this earthly existence.He took you to be with our daughter , Kimberly and the rest of our families.

It has been a rough year I keep finding memories in places I wouldn't expect. a birthday card you had planned to send, notes about tings we had wanted to do, places we planned to go, and pictures from years ago.

The house is just too big now, but your presence is still there. I still see you in your chair, I feel your touch on my hand. I feel the need to give you a hug and a kiss. 

I miss the sound of your voice, the smell of your hair, the glint in your eyes and your presence in  my life.. 59 years together. We had more time together than a lot of people have life.

I just wanted to let you know I think about you every day and I see you every day in the memories and in my heart.

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