Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Van Gogh's Ear Volume 10: The James Dean Tribute Edition

Van Gogh's Ear Volume 10: The James Dean Tribute Edition Kindle Edition

by Tina Faye Ayres (Editor)

Kindle Edition $8.00 at

Founded by Ian Ayres and inspired by Allen Ginsberg, Van Gogh’s Ear: Best World Poetry, Prose & Art is an annual anthology series devoted to publishing powerful works by major voices and innovative new talents from around the globe. The goal of Van Gogh’s Ear is to make each volume a real eye-opener that stirs people’s emotions and ignites their imaginations. Experimental work is warmly embraced. The tenth volume of the series, in honor of the 60th Anniversary of his death and his 85th birthday on February 8, 2016, also humbly offers up a section dedicated with the sincerest of admiration and gratitude to James Dean. The section features interviews with Lew Bracker, Brenda Hayes, Jim Hayes, Val Holley, Mark Kinnaman, Cody Mullins, David Nall, Roy “Oily” Phillips, Denn Pietro, Lee Raskin, Steve Rowland, Grant County’s own local filmmaker Michael Mathias, and Charles Paul Waters, as well as artworks from Demetrie Kabbaz,Chris Burns, John Gilmore, Fred Larucci, Paul Lovering, Matt Pecson, Enric Torres-Prat, Andrew Read, and Brian Tones. Featuring a poem by A.D Winans as well as a note from the editor and a foreword from filmmaker/creator of Van Gogh’s Ear, Ian Ayres.

In this volume you will find:

POETRY BY : Linda D. Addison, Mike Allen, Ian Ayres, Kimberly Biggers, Heath Brougher, Stephen Byrne, Michael Ceraolo, Daulton Dickey, Julie A. Dickson, Laura Eklund, Jennifer Firestone, Skip Fox, Howie Good, John Grey, Krikor N. Der Hohannesian, A.J. Huffman, Kit Kennedy, Antonia Alexandra Klimenko, Linda Lerner, Thomas Ligotti, Mamta Madhavan, Maria Masington, Elizabeth Massie, Kevin McLellan, Richard King Perkins II, Judith Skillman, Peter Stahl, Paul Tristram, Phillip Ward, A.D. Winans, Michael Xavier, Ali Znaidi

ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Tom Bagshaw, Frederick Cooper, Teresa Elliott, Luke Hillestad, Fabio Interra, Fred Larucci, Scott Murphy, Kazuhiro Tsuji, Chie Yoshii

INTERVIEWS FEATURING: Mike Adkins, Mike Bailey, Becket, Courtney Bingham, Frances Callier & Angela V. Shelton, Debra Christofferson, Peter Cornell, Richard Fortus, Derek Frey, Toby Froud, Wendy Froud, Sean Gunn, Tracii Guns, Bart Harris, Ronnie King & Jack Grisham, Fred Larucci, David Lloyd, Jonathan Maberry, Michael O'Keefe, Robert Parigi, Anne Rice, Scott Schwartz, Ralph Stanley, Alice Stuart, Jeremy Sumpter, Kazuhiro Tsuji, Ann Walker

FEATURING THE QUICK DRAW CHARACTER INTERVIEWS: Eli Brocius (Nick Brown), Livinia Webb Dunlop Doe (Tasha Ames), John Henry Hoyle (John Lehr), Vernon Shank (Bob Clendenin), Pearl Starr (Alexia Dox), Clay Tidwell (David Hoffman), Wanda (Kate Frisbee), Ephraim Younger( Michael Anastasia )