Friday, August 2, 2024

Taral Wayne (1951-2024)


Taral Wayne (1951-2024)

Toronto fanartist Taral Wayne, whom I’ve known since he began drawing and writing for my fanzines in the Seventies, died July 31. His good friend and helper Steven Baldassarra had heard from him earlier in the day and was bringing over a few things he needed. But when Steve arrived there was no answer to his knock at the door or to his phone calls. He asked the building superintendant to open the door and check. They found Taral lying down in his living room, unresponsive. Paramedics were summoned but were unable to revive him.  

Even though Taral has been writing about his deteriorating health for years it’s a shock that he suddenly isn’t here — he always discussed his physical state in such an indomitable tone. Taral suffered from myasthenia gravis and needed a powered chair – dubbed Traveling Matt — to leave his small apartment. In early 2017 he suffered a stroke but slowly recovered to the point that he told followers of his DeviantArt site the only residual effect was occasional slurred speech.

Above is from File 770  copyright by Mike Glyer.


My own remembrances are from some of his early fanzines with Victoria  Vayne and his contributing art to almost anyone who asked or it. he was never really appreciated by the fannish community and was never able t crack the professional market.

Don't get me wrong, he had many more accomplishments and friends than most and was always true to himself.

Our contact was sporadic over the past few years, mostly Facebook. I knew him , not as well as many others, but I will miss him.


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