Sunday, July 7, 2024

SARAFINA by Philip Fracassi


SARAFINA by Philip Fracassi, Earthling Publications, Signed Limited, $85, September 2024 release.

For those of you who have read Fracassi's Boys in the Valley, be prepared to continue on an adventure of a very talented author as he continues to amaze and entrance readers. This volume will only add to his reader base.

The year is 1862, the place is the battle of Shiloh - one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, and the youngest of three brothers is hoping to survive long enough to see his brothers again. After surviving a cannonade, Ethan - the youngest - is discovered by his older brothers - Mason and Archie - and they decide to desert and return home.

During their trip home, they must out-think the Union Army, out-run the Homeland Guard, and not die from hunger. In their escape, they have to cross a dismal swamp. On the far side, Ethan discovers a clear, untainted stream, a fruit bearing orchard, and a young boy who waves to him.

The brothers are invited into the home of Titus, the young boy, and Sarafina along with her large protecting dogs. Archie, who is almost at death from a bullet wound, is treated by Sarafina and the brothers are treated as guests and fed well. Mason and Ethan do chores to help around the house as Archie mends.

As Ethan tries to learn as much as he can about their surroundings, Archie takes a turn for the worse and Ethan vows to Sarafina he will do anything for Archie not to die; he soon discovers that death might have been better.

This is a story of magic and as Fracassi spins his web over the reader, the magic comes alive and the writing is crisp and enthralling. He has the talent to make you want to keep reading until suddenly it's 2:00am and you have to finish the last ten pages before you can go to bed. But you might not fall asleep, or if you do, there are strange dreams awaiting you.

I found this to be a very enjoyable read and engaging and on a higher level than Boys in the Valley; Fracassi has grown as a writer, and I as a reader am very happy and impressed. He is definitely on pace to become one of the top writers in the field. He is definitely on my Must Read list.

Pick this up while it is still available from You won't regret it.


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